Youth And Children

Youth And Children


Various Youth groups were formed by PHDFWF in projects. The main objective of the youth clubs is gender sensitization among boys and girls, engage them in different village social welfare activities and help them become self-dependent through various capacity development trainings by the resource persons. Sports play major role in children’s all round development but due to poverty they cannot enjoy & play games. PHDFWF provides sports materials like footballs, carom, volleyball, Ludo, skipping rope etc. to the youth clubs. Cleaning drives in and around the project areas and conducting rallies on different issues of social concerns, are other activities of these Clubs. Various sports competitions have been organized for youths & children like 100 meter run for boys and girls separately, 50 meter jumps in one leg for boys, skipping rope for girls, musical chair, singing competition etc. Prizes & Certificates were distributed to the winners after the competitions.


PHDFWF formed children group for both girls and boys between ages of 6 to 11 years. Social relationship and proper learning could be encouraged and this is a platform set up for children to participate in various activities. There are four children clubs in four project areas. Leadership development and gender sensitization was practiced in this club which could benefit young kids. PHDFWF provides following facilities to the children group.


The summer vacation has drawn to a close and kids across the city are gearing up for the next academic year, armed with the fresh skills they acquired at the camps they attended during the holidays. PHDFWF that works towards the welfare of underprivileged children, organised 30 days summer camp.

 Over a month, around 10 volunteers engaged with more than 50 children of ages 6 to 16 in activities like arts and craft, indoor games, yoga & exercise, stop motion animation workshop, health check-up, music and dance.

PHDFWF organised an awareness camp on healthy practices and good nutrition for the parents and children in the economically backward communities, as a follow-up to the medical check-up camp held earlier. One of PHDFWF earliest volunteers, noted that the summer camp was a good start towards establishing a good rapport with the people of those communities. “The kids were quite keen and were willing to try anything that was taught to them and the camp started off well. All of us were busy in one activity or the other. There were a few jitters and challenges, but we were able to carry out everything as we had planned,” said X, another active volunteer.


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